
Love and Romance

The Difference Between Love, Romance, And Sexual Attraction
Love is the simplest, most common, and yet, hardest to explain It’s when you’re open hearted, it can be felt and seen in moments like these:

Lovingly petting a trusted pet.

Caring for a child.

Passionately performing an artform.


You can love anything. A husband, a wife, a date, your computer, this website… anything. Love is harmony and union. Love can be learned, love takes practice, love doesn’t close down from pain.
Like I said, it’s a bit awkward to explain, but it’s something… everyone has felt, many times.
Love doesn’t have to have anything to do with sex. Many people prefer loving sex, but it just doesn’t have to be that way.


Romance is a perception, and it’s one of that "I’ve known you forever feeling." It’s the parts of the relationship that make it feel ‘special’.
Romantic attraction and infatuation is all about bonding and connection. Connection can be neglected and grow stale and die off, or it can be focused on and amped up

Romance in LOVE

Relationships based on solely on romantic-attraction are basically doomed to failed. They rely on perceptions of what’s romantic, often pulled from how we were treated as children by our parents. What one person finds romantic, it’s completely different from another, and even changes over time.
Relationships based on this alone are unsustainable, and are usually a hunger for acceptance, fulfillment, love etc. from the outside, but acceptance, fulfillment, and love come from inside.
You need self-acceptance and self-fulfillment, before you can truly create a sustainable, joyful, intimate relationship.

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