
Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage

Love and Arranged Marriages:

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Marriage is a pretty amazing thing when you think about it. For two people to live together for so long under the same roof is a big accomplishment. Fifty-year anniversaries are becoming extinct, yet again proving that long marriages deserve awards and praise. Sometimes I see old people in restaurants sitting together eating their meals and I watch them. Sometimes it makes me sad. They don't even talk. Is it because they have nothing else to say, or can they simply read each other's mind by now?
Marriages Made In Haven

Difference between Love and Arranged Marriage

I think "success" of a love and arranged marriage is not so much about whether the marriage is arranged or for love so much as it is whether the two people both feel that divorce is not an option for them (for religious or other reasons). The more strongly both people are opposed to divorce the more likely the marriage will continue (although the state of the marriage may or may not be a good one).

Obviously it has to be both people who want it to continue... one person cannot keep a marriage together. If both people feel that it has to work and will not give up on it then they will both find a way to keep it going. 

Love And Arranged Marriages Difference
I say success in quotes because lack of a divorce doesn't necessarily make it a successful marriage. If you don't like each other at all and are just staying together in name only isn't exactly successful. If both people work hard to keep the marriage a good one then that is more of what I call a success. And that kind of success is harder to measure.

INDIAN Culture  trends "Marriages are made in Haven"
we feel that we set our marriages, but in fact all are desided  by Gods craze.