
Psychological Facts About Love

Unique Love Facts

Gils Love Psychology
Love Psychology
Love fact 1: Love makes us crazy

For one thing, love causes serotonin levels in the brain to drop, which may lead people to obsess about their lover.

Next, it ramps up production of the stress hormone cortisol, leading to slightly higher blood pressure and possible loss of sleep.

All in all, love kind of leaves you obsessive, stressed, and blind!

Love fact 2: Broken hearts always hurt

A new study suggests the psychological hurt of a break up is just as real as a physical injury.

Two areas of the brain that respond to physical pain also become activated when a person is dealing with social or romantic pain, such as being dumped.

The study’s authors at UCLA used an MRI to monitor brain activity in participants while they played a game simulating social rejection.

Love fact 3: Kiss the right way

Did you know there is a “right” way to kiss? People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of left, says a report published in the journal, Nature. A scientist from Ruhr University in Germany analyzed 124 pairs of smoochers and found that 65 percent tilt their head toward the right.

Love fact 4: Blushing is best

If we take our cue from apes, rosy cheeks are crucial in the dating game, says a new study. Scientists at Stirling University in Great Britain have found that primates prefer mates with red faces.
A rosy glow might also act as a similar cue in humans, say the British researchers, sending a message of good health. They speculate that it could explain why women use blushers.

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