
Shakespeare Quotes

Shakespeare Quotes

Shakespeare is the most quoted English writer of all time, and second in history only to the writer of the Bible. It’s not surprising given the volume and quality of works that Shakespeare wrote – along with the enduring popularity of his plays and sonnets around the world – that virtually everyone can quote Shakespeare, even if at times they don’t know they’re doing it!
This Shakespeare quotes page links to all sorts of Shakespeare quotes, along with their modern translations. Take your pick from the selection of quotes by Shakespeare below:

Top Shakespeare Quotes

It was a tough one picking them, but check out our 50 most famous Shakespeare quotes of all time. And a sneak preview of the most searched for Shakespeare quotes online:
Want to impress a loved one? Have a look at the 50 top Shakespeare love quotes, along with their translations into modern English.
And how about having a read through the top 20 quotes about Shakespeare from writers over the years.

Shakespeare Quotes by Play

Shakespeare Soliloquies

As well as the shorter Shakespeare quotes, we’ve translated a number of Shakespeare’s soliloquies into modern English to help with your understanding. Not sure what a soliloquy is? See soliluquys from a number of Shakepseare’s major works:

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